Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Post 4

Umi nangis Rul. Tadi Umi lawat Azrul with Wafi, although he seem reluctant at first. After 2 days inda lihat Azrul, Azrul masih in the same condition, masih belum sadar, instead muka Azrul bertambah pucat. Inda Umi sanggup liat Azrul dalam keadaan cematu. I feel like wanna hug you tight tadi Rul, but I know I can't. Please Rul, get well soon, wake up soon Rul. Tadi Fadil cakap Azrul semakin tenat. I hate Fadil, he always tell me bad news Rul.

Rasanya Umi inda mau balik tadi from hospital, I just want to be by your side until you wake up Rul. I want to be the first face yang Azrul lihat the moment Azrul buka mata. I want to make you happy for once Rul, selama ani Umi selalu sakitkan hati Azrul saja. Umi tau hati Azrul hancur sudah. Umi kejam Rul!

On the way balik tadi, Umi diam saja, Wafi pun diam. Sampai at home, Umi terus masuk bilik and cried and cried and cried. Umi takut Rul. Really really takut, especially kalau ingatkan apa cakap Fadil tadi. Umi inda mau kehilangan Azrul. Azrul kawan Umi, Azrul satu-satunya tempat Umi mengadu kalau Umi ada problem. Azrul selalu hiburkan Umi kalau Umi sedih. Azrul selalu tolong Umi in everything, about life, about work, segalanya. Umi saja yang selalu inda appreciate Azrul. Forgive me Rul, please don't leave me.


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