Saturday, March 22, 2008

Post 13

Lama Umi inda update blog Rul. Been busy, and for the past few days Umi was beside Azrul di hospital. Walaupun Fadil larang Umi ke hospital but I did jua Rul. I just want to see you. Azrul masih belum dapat bercakap and Azrul masih belum mahu lihat muka Umi. As if macam Umi inda exist dihadapan Azrul. But Umi terima Rul, I know Umi selalu sakitkan hati Azrul, mungkin ani balasan Umi. Umi harap satu hari Azrul akan mau terima Umi as a friend macam sediakala.

Azrul masih terlantar, belum dapat duduk, belum dapat bangun. Makan pun belum, only fed through tubes and menghirup air. Apart from your family, Fadil masih tetap setia melawat Azrul setiap hari. And also your band members Sham, Eddie dan Dani. Umi rindu dengar suara Azrul nyanyi dan main gitar. Get well soon Rul, supaya Azrul dapat beraksi semula, Umi mau lihat Azrul jamming macam dulu-dulu.

Umi masih ingat the first time Umi bawa Wafi ke garage Azrul tempat Azrul and band selalu jamming. That was the first time Azrul jumpa Wafi. I know I was wrong Rul, I know I am stupid. Umi tahu how Azrul feel towards me but Umi masih macam sengaja bawa Wafi kesana. Entah I dunno what was I thinking, Umi kejam kan Rul, Umi inda ada hati dan perasaan, Umi inda menjaga hati Azrul even though as a friend. Umi ingat that night Azrul and band main lagu Pupus made famous by Dewa. Umi tau Azrul sengaja main that song and dedicated that song to me. Azrul sang it penuh perasaan. I'm sorry Rul, Umi tau Azrul fed up with Umi. If Azrul should never want to talk to me again, I understand Rul, but for me, you will always be my friend


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