Monday, March 17, 2008

Post 11

I'm back home, Rul. Barutah Umi update this blog, I've been crying for the past few days, now pun masih bangkung my eyes Rul. I feel so depressed and guilty for everything that I have done to you. Last week when I reached home, I straight away called Fadil and he said Azrul sadar sudah, walaupun masih alum becakap, but Azrul sudah mula buka mata and look at people. And thank God, Azrul masih ingat dan kenal orang2 yang lawat Azrul walaupun respond dengan angguk or geleng saja.

Umi rushed to hospital to visit Azrul. I was so happy and excited to see you Rul. On the way to hospital, Umi senyum saja. But sampai di hospital, I suddenly felt sad and guilty Rul. The moment Azrul nampak Umi, Azrul palingkan muka dari Umi, Azrul tutup mata and tears fell from you eyes. Umi tau Umi selalu hurt you Rul sampai Azrul inda mau lihat muka Umi lagi. Rul, Umi minta ampun dan maaf Rul, I know a day before Azrul accident pun Umi sakitkan hati Azrul. Please forgive me.

Umi inda tau kan buat apa Rul, I wanted to see you and visit you but Fadil cakap jangan tah dulu. I miss you Rul. I just wanna be by your side and see you recover.


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