Friday, March 7, 2008

Post 7

My dear Azrul. Kalau sekiranya takdir tentukan Azrul pergi selamanya, I just want you to know one thing Rul. Umi sayang Azrul, no matter what I care for you Rul. Umi inda tau apa lagi kan Umi luahkan disini. Petang tadi lawat Azrul, balik rumah Umi solat hajat dan baca Yassin, Umi doa supaya Allah selamatkan Azrul, Umi doa supaya Azrul sihat macam selalu. Lepas tu Umi cried and cried. Sampai ani pun mata Umi masih bengkak. Wafi tadi bawa jalan but Umi decline coz kan lawat Azrul, Umi told him Azrul semakin critical but instead he said "bah agatah tunggui tia Azrul atu, jangantah jalan with me." Makin tah hancur hati Umi Rul, Wafi inda faham about our friendship, salah Umi jua lah, dulu Umi told him how Azrul is in love with Umi.

Rul, I can't write much tonight Rul, mata Umi bengkak and pedih. Umi inda sanggup lihat Azrul in a critical condition, Azrul semakin lemah but doktor said Azrul is just in a deep rest. I hope durang bukan sekadar kan nyamankan hati saja. Umi sleep dulu ok Rul.


1 comment:

Byby said...

im so sorry to read and know the fact that he is so sick right now.. i ve been reading your blog eversince someone posted the url.. i hope ya bangun nanti.. insyaAllah and Amin.. be strong.. and ofcourse if he knew that you're in this kinda situation mesti ya susah hati kan? so you need to be strong for him.. no matter what.. i pray for you and i will pray for him .. take care