Saturday, March 1, 2008

Post 2

Hari kedua Azrul di rawat di Intensive Care. Today Umi lawat Azrul with Mar and Lisa. Wafi kerja tadi but he gave me permission to visit Azrul. Azrul masih alum sadar, masih kaku on bed with respirator, wires and tubes all over. Kepala Azrul masih bandaged. Ramai yang lawat Azrul tadi, family, colleagues, kawan2. We all care for you Rul. Lama Umi tunggu giliran kan masuk ICU tadi coz only limited numbers are allowed inside, but thanks to Fadil who gave up his turn for Umi. Umi mula2 kan marah sama Fadil coz pasal Azrul berlumba with him lah Azrul dapat accident. Apparently Azrul bukan lumba with Fadil, but with someone else.

Azrul stubborn! Selalu sudah Umi cakap jangan berlumba lagi. Kenapa Azrul inda dengar cakap Umi? Umi tau Azrul speed demon, but Umi care for you Rul, Umi don't want Azrul jadi cemani. Why Rul? Azrul kadang macam inda sayangkan diri Azrul sendiri. Suka do things yang membahayakan diri. Why Rul? Kata Fadil, condition Azrul masih critical, doktor cakap 50/50. Kalau Azrul selamat pun, kata doktor mungkin Azrul hilang ingatan. Rasanya macam ada batu besar gugur atas kepala Umi when I hear apa Fadil cakap. Berat rasa kepala Umi, I cried again tadi Rul, in front of your family and friends. Why is this happening Rul? Lepas Maghrib tadi, durang sembahyang hajat for you Rul, doakan supaya Azrul pulih macam biasa.

Masih fresh in my mind, the last time we met Rul. It was just 3 days ago, Azrul and Umi lunch sama2. You were so cheerful that day Rul, I still remember how you smile and laugh. Then Wafi called me, I know that hurt you Rul, but Azrul maintain cool saja, but I can see that muka Azrul berubah. I'm sorry to make you jealous Rul. Umi tau how you feel for me, Umi tau Azrul sayangkan Umi sangat2, Azrul sanggup tunggu Umi, but apa boleh buat my heart is for Wafi. But Umi inda sanggup kehilangan Azrul. I still remember how Azrul kiss my forehead and my cheeks. I can feel your passion Rul, but Umi pun inda tahu kenapa hati Umi belum terbuka buat Azrul, instead, terbuka for Wafi instead.

After we had lunch, Azrul kiss dahi Umi, kiss pipi kanan Umi. You were so sweet Rul, to tell you honestly, Umi inda pernah kena buat cematu Rul, Umi inda pernah kena treat the way Azrul treated me. Umi pun inda faham kenapa hati Umi go for Wafi instead. He is a nice and loving guy, but you are different Rul! Walaupun Umi tahu Azrul jealous pasal Wafi called, but Azrul masih sudi treat Umi cematu. You really love me Rul, Umi pun sayangkan Azrul, but Umi pun inda tau kenapa Umi belum dapat terima Azrul. I'm confused!

Sudah 2 hari Azrul terlantar. Umi kecarian cerita Azrul, ketawa Azrul, senyum Azrul, everything about Azrul. Umi tau semasa Azrul sihat, Umi kadang2 buat Azrul macam nada sja, now sudah Azrul terlantar, baru Umi kecarian. Please wake up Rul, Umi mau Azrul baca blog ani, Umi mau Azrul tahu how I feel when you're not around. Please Rul. Umi can't help crying while writing this. Please get well soon Rul.


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