Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Post 5

After work Umi lawat Azrul lagi tadi, this time without Wafi's knowledge. Lagipun Umi belum top-up credit. Fadil was there, somehow I respect Fadil. He is really your best friend Rul, everyday ia lawat Azrul, even lunchtime pun ia singgah lawat Azrul. Umi tau Fadil pun sedih and worried about you Rul. Condition Azrul today masih sama, cuma inda pucat macam yesterday, muka Azrul berseri and bersih walaupun facial hair growing, scruffy. I pray you get well soon Rul. I have a lot to talk with you.

Lepas tu, Umi dinner with Fadil tadi, we had a long talk inda terasa sampai pukul 8pm. Fadil told me everything about what Azrul always tell him about Umi. Umi rasa terharu, macam kan nangis ada jua but Umi tahan coz Umi inda mau nangis depan Fadil. Fadil told me how much Azrul sayang Umi, how Azrul hancur hati if Umi sakitkan hati Azrul. How Azrul sedih kalau lihat Umi sama Wafi. Fadil told me Azrul inda sanggup liat Umi sama Wafi. Everything Rul, Fadil told me everything. He said he's not supposed to tell plang but he said he need to tell me. I'm sorry Rul, I'm sorry for being selfish with my feelings.

Before balik tadi, Fadil said to me in a trembling voice, "Umi, if Azrul could not make it, please be there with him during his final moments." Umi cuma angguk. Me and Fadil bid farewell and after Fadil drove away, Umi menangis sepuas2nya dalam kereta ingatkan apa cakap Fadil tadi. Rul, I don't want that to happen Rul, Umi inda sanggup. I don't wanna lose you Rul. Please

Now Umi dirumah, I'm tired Rul, maybe too much crying tadi dalam kereta. I wanna rest dulu Rul, I'll try to visit you again tomorrow.



pvintaj said...

hey umi. hi there. im sorry i read this blog accidentally. well, i did get this from simpur blogging nations tho. to be honest with you umi, i cried when i read all your post. its like a love story basedline novel. i couldnt believe what i read, but on second thought this might be true.

all i can here is, try to be strong for him. he needs support for everyone. and from my experience, try to talk with him, altho he's in coma condition, he might be listening. and most of all, pray to Allah. minta petunjuk dariNya. thats the best thing that you can do now other than crying. its not that i said, its not good crying, sometimes you just cant control it, right? its good to cry sometimes, but save it for the best moments in your life, like having him to awake back.

well, forgive me for asking, azrul was once your boyfriend or just a friend? before you meet wafi thats it. i have a moreorless the same condition with you. but without the coma, laying on the ICU thing plng. i have a 5years plus relationship with this guy but at the same time im having a 1 year plus relationship with another guy. which i assumed to love him more than the first guy, and my problem will be its hard to get out from the first guy and be with the second guy. the second guy once told me, exactly what azrul told you "i will wait for you even if it takes the end of my time" oh well, what am i blabberring here, sorry. but all that i can say is you dont have to cry alot, try to bawa sembahyang. and have a little faith in him. im sure hes gonna make it. im sure he will stay strong just to be with you again. okay, you need to be strong too. take care now. its a long comments already. huhu.

...everything happens for a reason... ;)

KK23 said...

Hi, thank you for your comments, yes i wish I can talk to him even though Azrul in a coma, Umi tau he will listen, at least his soul will listen. By the way, me and Azrul were never bf/gf plang, although Umi tau Azrul is really hoping for that to happen. We are just friends, maybe a little more than just friends coz between us, there is some sort of passion, Umi pun inda tau cemana kan explain. But bottomline, Umi sayang Azrul. Maybe cinta is for Wafi, but Umi tetap sayang Azrul.