Friday, February 29, 2008

Post 1

Umi baru balik dari hospital lawat Azrul, I feel so down and sad Rul! Tadi Umi inda dapat tahan dari menangis. Bejalan kan masuk ke ICU pun lemah lutut Umi, makin hampir ke katil Azrul makin kajar2 rasanya. The moment I saw badan Azrul inda berdaya atas katil, I can't help but break down and cry. Wafi tried to comfort me, but I can't stop crying. Inda sanggup rasanya meliat Azrul lying on bed with a respirator on you face, covered with wires and needles, bruises and bandages all over. That machine connected to your body Rul, I hate that machine! Apatah lagi when the beep beep sound got slow at times!

Rul, Umi inda sanggup liat Azrul dalam keadaan macam atu. I wanted to hug you Rul and cry puas2, but I know I can't, you seem to be in a delicate situation Rul, lagipun Wafi was with me and gerenti ia jealous tu kalau liat Umi peluk Azrul. No matter how understanding he is, I know masih ada perasaan jealous atu Rul. I should be grateful Wafi was willing to take me to hospital the moment we hear about the accident. Rul, you're a fast and reckless driver Rul! Selalu sudah Umi cakap tapi Azrul inda merati! I know Azrul belumba with Fadil lagi last night. Now what happen Rul?! Azrul stubborn! Inda merati!

I talked with your family tadi Rul, they said doktor cakap Azrul critical! Masani dalam coma. On the way balik tadi, I cried and cried lagi, Wafi pun inda tau kan buat apa lagi except hold my hands kuat2 sambil driving. Umi tau Wafi jealous but ia control his jealousy. Wafi tau yang Azrul sayangkan Umi so much, but Azrul pun tau kan yang Wafi is in my heart. Umi care for Azrul though, Umi pun sayang Azrul, but as a friend. Umi tau Azrul selalu buat Umi happy, tapi my heart is for Wafi. I'm sorry Rul, I'm glad Azrul understands.

Rul, I know I broke your heart. But thank you, Azrul masih mau terima Umi as a friend. I created this blog for you Rul, I hope you will read it one day udah Azrul sihat. I do care for you Rul, Umi sayangkan Azrul. Umi inda tau arah siapa kan Umi luahkan perasaan ani except in this blog. I can't talk to Wafi, karang merajuk ia. Rul, please wake up Rul! I pray for you! Now I miss your smile, Umi rindu chatting sama Azrul, rindu bersms sama Azrul. Now baru terasa yang Umi kecarian Azrul.

Please wake up Rul, please get well soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hugs. I cant believe that im crying reading your first post. sigh